Am Tue, 29 Aug 2017 01:38:42 -0400
schrieb "Walter Dnes" <>:

>   I'm running a Core2-duo desktop from 2008 with 3 gigs of ram.  I
> want to run it into the ground, not throw it away while it's still
> functional.  With Gentoo optimization, pluse using ICEWM, it's
> generally snappy.  But there are a few web pages that throw the
> kitchen sink of 3rd-pary adservers+trackers.  178 unique servers for
> one web page will peg the load from the web browser to 150% of 1 cpu
> core.  On a 2-core machine, that is bad.  The browser is unresponsive
> for a few seconds at a time.
>   I'm building up a rather large hosts file, but the adservers have a
> gazillion subnames for each domain, in a deliberate attempt to bypass
> hosts files.  It would be more effective block entire domains.  Is
> there a lightweight DNS server, or some iptables trick, or whatever,
> that'll block specified domains?

I'm using the combination of these browser add-ons available for
Firefox and Chromium:

uBlock Origin
EFF Privacy Badger

uBlock Origin is an ad blocker.
uMatrix is similar to NoScript but a lot more flexible and easier to
use, and comes with some hosts files (not copied to /etc/hosts).
And Privacy Badger blocks domains, JavaScripts, cookies etc. that are
used to create a profile of yours.

Those three are doing quite a good job from what I can tell. And surfing
on a Raspberry Pi 3 is also a lot better with these.

That said, it's not only ad servers which cause a massive CPU load, it's
also badly designed and overloaded websites which contain a lot of
JavaScript and load content from several other servers, particularly
from JavaScript hosts and CDNs.


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