On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 00:48 +0200, Michal Kurgan wrote:
> Hello!
> After upgrading to new stable kernel 2.6.13-r3 i spotted that system is much 
> less responsible
> Also system is much less responsible, even in text editors cursor move is 
> slow. Bringing back minimized windows also took much more time.
> Anyone know what could be a cause of such slowdowns?

Do you have a hyperthreaded CPU? There are some problems with virtual
CPU's and 2.6.13.  A few patches exist, but they're not in 2.6.13.x yet

I have similar problems with my Dell Inspiron 9100 P4 3GHz HT.  I'd be
interested to know if your problems are from the same cause.

Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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