On Sat, 02 Sep 2017 21:33:31 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:

> Hi all,
>       I'm in the process of doing a world update and due to a failed 
> I have cause to look up through the list of stuff to compile/update.
> Imagine my surprise when I saw there were three versions of Ruby wanting
> to update:
> [ebuild     U  ] dev-lang/ruby-2.4.1-r4 [2.4.1-r3]
> [ebuild     U  ] dev-lang/ruby-2.3.4-r4 [2.3.4-r3]
> [ebuild     U  ] dev-lang/ruby-2.2.7-r4 [2.2.7-r3]

That is unusual unless you configured this yourself. Did you set 
RUBY_TARGETS in make.conf? Are you on stable or testing?

It would also be interesting to know what is pulling in these ruby 

>       I would prefer to get rid of Ruby, but, if memory serves me 
> someone associated with the kernel decided it would be a good idea to
> use yet another language for something, obviously Python wasn't good
> enough....

webkit-gtk and thin-provisioning-tools come to mind as pulling ruby for 
people that don't want it perse.


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