On Wed, Sep 06 2017, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> On 06/09/2017 18:31, allan gottlieb wrote:
>> My system runs gnome3/systemd.  I use NetworkManager, which is mostly
>> working fine.
>> At work the desired network is named "nyu".  The sysadmins say I need to
>> change at least one security parameter.  When I open the gui it shows
>> the network configuration parameters (by clicking the gear) and lets me
>> select different values.  However the "Apply" button never becomes
>> active so I can only "Cancel".
>> If I try to select the "nyu" network it asks for the password, which I
>> know and enter. I then click the appropriate button (something like
>> "apply" or "ok").  As expected the window goes away but I am not
>> connected and the window reappears.
>> A "tip" from the sys admins at work is to somehow tell my system to
>> forget all it knows about the network "nyu", but neither I nor they know
>> how to do it (they don't "fully support" linux).
>> Any help would be appreciated.
> Your sysadmins are talking shit. What they need to do is tell you what
> the security settings are for that SSID. If it's a corporate firm it's
> likely something along the lines of "Protected EAP (PEAP)" and they must
> tell you what it requires. Or, find a working Windows machine and check
> it's wireless network property for that SSID. Usually, one can figure it
> out relatively easily.
> That your sysadmins don't know this is a rather brutal indictement of
> your sysadmins...
> In connman one often has delete and re-create connections as it often
> happens there isn't an Edit button in connman applets! But not in
> NetworkManager:
> right click -> Config -> Edit -> Save
> always does the trick if you click the right buttons in the Edit step

I must not have been clear.  They told me about peap etc.
I can't make network manager change to the desired configuration.
When I change the settings, the gui doesn't let me apply the change.


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