On 16/09/17 06:57, Marc Joliet wrote:
> Am Freitag, 15. September 2017, 19:56:54 CEST schrieb Andrew Lowe:
>> Hi all,
>>      I posted about a nasty infection my machine had with three versions of
>> Ruby a few days ago. In the process of trying to fix that I noticed a
>> thingy called "thin-provisioning-tools". I don't have anything thin and
>> I don't provision anything so why I ask?
>>      From what I've been able to understand, it's something to do with
>> Device Mapper, snapshots and "many virtual devices to be stored on the
>> same data volume". This is all just jibberish to me and I have no idea
>> as to why this has suddenly appeared in my world update. I haven't asked
>> for it. I don't use any of the "more advanced" thingies such as lvm2 etc
>> so does anyone have any idea as to why I've now go this to install?
>>      Back to Ruby killing now,
>>              Andrew
> Based on what I've researched for the other sub-thread, since you don't 
> actually use LVM, then -- unless you set the wrong USE flags -- you probably 
> have udisks:0 installed (it has an unconditional dependency on lvm2).  Use 
> "emerge --depclean -pv lvm2" to find out for sure.
> If it is udisks:0, then AFAICT you can get rid of it with appropriate USE 
> flag 
> settings ("equery depends" is your friend here).

        I think I eventually tracked the problem down to installing
sys-fs/cryptsetup ages ago and subsequently doing nothing with it, hence
out of sight, out of mind. It brought in lvm2, which once again I don't
use, but out of sight, out of mind, which brought in

        Just at the moment with my 3 versions of Ruby and KDE doing a large
upgrade, I was swamped with "info" so it took a bit to find my way
around this stuff and find the appropriate flags to set/unset.

        Thanks to those who provided thoughts,


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