On Thu, 05 Oct 2017 21:39:58 +0200, p...@xvalheru.org wrote:

> I'm installing gentoo on new laptop which doesn't have eth slot. I have 
> i-tec usb-eth adapter which works fine (tested on linux live 
> distribution).
> For the first time: I've configured kernel, compiled, loaded kernel 
> module and created link to /etc/init.d/net.lo and somehow I've push it 
> all to work (ifconfig lists enp0s20f0u1 interface).
> But after reboot plugging in the adapter doesn't create enp0s20f0u1 
> interface, so the ifconfig lists only 'lo'.

Does ifconfig -a list it?

If not, does it show up if you "modprobe r8152"?

Neil Bothwick

Sometimes too much to drink is not enough.

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