Hi all,
My machine went feral which resulted in me having to kill the power to kill it. Upon reboot everything looked good, fsck did it's job, [ok]'s scrolled up the screen etc and then I got the login prompt. I entered my username & password and then the fun began.

        I got:

-bash: .: /etc/profile.env: cannot execute binary file

If I tried any command, say ls, I got:

-bash: ls: no such file or dir

I've now rebooted the machine using a relatively recent sysrescueCD and had a look at profile.env and it's binary but I thought it should have been text!!!! In the top line or so it mentions "ld" for some reason. I checked the same file on the boot disk and it's text. One or two I found on line are also text.

Does anyone have any idea as to what's going on here? Should I just grab the profile.env from the boot disk and drop it into the /etc dir? Or should I go through the whole process of chroot off a gentoo disc and then run env-update as it says in the header of the text versions I'v seen?

        Thoughts greatly appreciated,


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