On Sun, 29 Oct 2017 22:39:31 -0400, Philip Webb wrote:

> 'sane-backends-1.0.27' just stabilised, so I updated to it.
> Previously I had selected  4  items from the list in SANE_BACKENDS,
> which is shown by 'emerge', ie 'epson epson2 plustek plustek_pp'.
> My scanner is an 'Epson V550 Photo'.
> Wanting to test which of the  4  items above was needed, I tried each.
> Inadvertently, I tried emerging 'sane-backends' with none included
> & discovered that my scanner still works regardless !

ISTR that with use_expanded variables like this, if you don't set the
variable then all options are enabled, so you've just built an
un-gentoolike version that works everywhere.

You could check this by using qlist to see what has been installed with
and without SANE_BACKENDS set.

Neil Bothwick

In plumbing, a straight flush is better than a full house.

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