Well, just when I [thought I] had finished tuning my KDE desktop, here
it fails again.

I'm using baghira as style. I enabled translucency (it works) and in
Desktop-->Window Behaviour-->Translucency I enabled translucency for
inactive windows and disabled it for active windows. I want opacity in
the window I'm working on and translucency in all others.
So far so good.

What about virtual desktops? Well, when I commute to another desktop and
then come back to the former, focus was lost. All windows are
translucent, therefore unusable. If it happens to be only one window open,
there's no way to give it focus (clicking doesn't work), except by
opening some other window and then focus on the first by clicking with
the mouse or using Alt-Tab.

This makes this wonderfull feature effectively unusable.

Anyone knows a workaround? (Don't tell me to file a bug, because I don't
know how to do that...)

I don't know whether the fault is kwin's or baghira's. I really like the
customization QT allows and the looks of baghira...

Jorge Almeida
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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