On 09/12/2017 11:37, Adam Carter wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com
> <mailto:alan.mckin...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 09/12/2017 11:10, Adam Carter wrote:
>     > # grep -ic flags yasm-1.3.0.ebuild
>     > 0
>     >
>     > However, emerge --info yasm shows me that only -march -O2 -pipe
>     make it
>     > through. Where is the code that strips the others?
>     >
>     Have you checked yasm's Makefile?
> There's mentions of CFLAGS in there but I don't have the knowledge to
> understand it. Is there a way I can tweak what the makefiles have done?
> I tried adding;
> append-flags <flag>
> in the src_configure() section, but <flag> doesnt get added, according
> to emerge --info

I would strongly advise against that, just on principle.

yasm is an assembler, and as such it's right at the bottom of the stack.
It's not unreasonable for such a package to use different FLAGS etc as
it's not a userland app. It's an app that builds things you use to build
a userland.

I would recommend you touch base with the package maintainer for answers.

btw, why is this situation a problem? Is something wrong with the yasm
portage builds you?

Alan McKinnon

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