I recently upgraded gnome to 2.12 (went smoothly, looks great!) and with
it came evolution 2.4.1.  One of the features of 2.2.3 that I found
great was the "only show text parts of messages" plug in.  This is the
first time I saw evolution support such a (long wanted) feature.

However, it appears that plugin got in by accident, and although I'm
sure a huge number of evolution users want it, have asked for it, and
use it, it was never meant to be there and is not officially supported
(and hence was taken out of 2.4)

Excuse me for asking a dumb question, but why?  This seems to be a basic
feature supported by every real email client on earth, so why not
evolution?  So what if some people don't want it - that's why its an

All flame wars about html vs text emails aside, how do I get it back?
I've been trying to find out how to get / use plugins for evolution, but
there doesn't seem to be much help about it.

And also, if so many people want such a feature, why isn't it a patch
from gentoo?  Is there some fundamental understanding that I'm missing?

Any help, or enlightenment about the topic, would be much appreciated,

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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