Is he the fellow with the weird update script? The one that entertained us
so much for so long? Plus a total inability to listen to anyone else?

On 16 Dec 2017 12:28 AM, "Dale" <> wrote:

> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > Oh ye gods, not this fellow again.
> >
> > Fellow gentoo-listers, please I beg you, with all my heart and all my
> > soul, I beg you:
> >
> > Do not feed this troll. Please.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> I mentioned my blacklist the other day in another thread and how it has
> only one person in it.  It's about to be two.  My grass is growing and I
> find it more interesting.  lol
> I wonder how long he will last this time?
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

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