
On Tue, 19 Dec 2017, Adam Carter wrote:
>> # wc -l /var/lib/portage/world
>> 1140 /var/lib/portage/world
>> Am I doing something wrong?
>If you're emerging dependencies without -1, then yes, otherwise, no.

Actually, it's been a long time I've not merged anything without '-1' ;)
Only new stuff I explicity want in world gets the honor of me omitting
the -1.

>> Looking it over, it looks right though.
>> And --depclean is hopelessly overeager here.
>What makes you think that?

e.g. the haskell x509-validation example in my other mail.

>Yeah reviewing the output of a --pv --depclean sounds like a good idea.
>Then you can add anything that's obviously missing to world before a real
>gentoo-sources, since i like keep 2 gcc's around and I look after sources
>AFAIK missing dependencies are rare as they are quickly identified by the

Actually, I guess it's more missing stuff in world, but there's some
stuff that definitely does not belong in world, but depclean wants to
remove it. Again, the haskell sample works. Basically, I only have
pandoc installed that uses anything haskell, so any haskell stuff
installed is because pandoc (indirectly) depends on it. And depclean
wants to remove part of that "stack". Ok, I checked again, it does
look more like "all of it"... Ooops. Pandoc is not in world. Let's
see... (emerge -Ok app-text/pandoc)...

$ emerge -p --depclean | grep haskell

it still want's to remove about half the haskell stack (which is only
installed because of pandoc's deps). Well, 32 out of 134 (according to
'eix -Ic dev-haskell/') or so... And I just reinstalled all that stuff
from scratch (removing all of dev-haskell/ plus ghc itself, and start
from scratch with "emerge --pretend --tree app-text/pandoc').

I'd have to test and remove just the haskell stuff that depclean
suggests, and then start testing... It's a fine example, as it's a
single app pulling in quite a bit that depclean or I or both get
confused about[1] ;)

That's what I call "overeager". There's other stuff. Might have missed
having some in @world, but with most stuff I'm rather sure it's pulled
in via deps of stuff in @world.

>> Oh well. Not while I'm cleaning
>> up after the profile-13/gcc-5.4 -> profile-17/gcc-7.2 stuff (I'd
>> already compiled most with gcc 6.4, with "std=c++14" for C++ stuff. So
>> not much change there besides pie/no-pie.
>I ended up rebuilding two machines, partly due to self induced
>hardened/PIE/PIC pain, and also to start with empty USE and
>/etc/portage/package.* files which were full of crap after many

Sound's familiar ;)

>I now have;
>$ wc -l /var/lib/portage/world
>63 /var/lib/portage/world
>and emerge -pe says "Total: 1024 packages"

Wow. You don't use much, eh? ;)


[1] Normally I would not install such a large stack because of one
    program, e.g. I've masked all stuff mono/sharp etc. but I'm
    interested in haskell in itself, so that's ok :)

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