On 12/24/2017 02:43 AM, Adam Carter wrote:
Oh I just noticed that vtv is now default enabled for gcc, so you could try;

CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fvtable-verify=std"

I tried this on earlier gccs, and there was a fair bit of breakage so i didnt persue it. Maybe i'll re-try with 7.2 to see how things have progressed.

Would you please elaborate on what types of breakage you saw?

"security feature that verifies at run time, for every virtual call, that the vtable pointer through which the call is made is valid for the type of the object, and has not been corrupted or overwritten. If an invalid vtable pointer is detected at run time, an error is reported and execution of the program is immediately halted"

I'm extremely new to these types of thing and don't truly understand the failure mode of things like this. It sound slike vtable-verify will conceptually make things more secure. But I don't know enough to know how likely believed to be perfectly happy code will pass or fail such vtable verifications.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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