> On 3 Jan 2018, at 22:47, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What do you mean by this exactly, please?
>>> =4.9.34 selects that exact version and only that specific version
>>> ~4.9.34 select that version and also 4.9.34-r1. There might need to be a
>>> * on the end of ~4.9.34, I don;t quite recall. Answer in portage's man pages
>> I thought it was something like that, but searched `man portage` for "~" 
>> more than one way, and didn't find reference to this. Am I blind?
> man 5 ebuild
> Section "Extended Atom Prefixes", it is near the top, probably first
> page on most screen sizes.
> The location is very non-obvious, I only know of it because I refr to it
> often once I found it

The ability to block atoms looks interesting, although I can't think when I'd 
use it.


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