On 2018-01-05, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried to update today using my normal "emerge --sync; emerge -auvND
> world" sequence and it's failing when it gets to iso-codes:


> I haven't changed LINGUAS or L10N for ages, but I've noticed that
> suddely other packages are being rebuild without linguas_en and
> linguas_en_us.

For example iso-codes and aspell are both reportedly being rebuilt
because linguas_en has changed from ture to false, and cups is being
rebuilt because a half-dozen other linguas_XX flags have changed from
false to true.

I tried adding linguas_en to USE in make.conf, and that didn't help:
emerge still wants to build aspell without linguas_en (and that
linguas_en has changed from active to inactive since the last time
aspell was built):

  # euse -a | grep linguas
  linguas_en          [+ C    ] 

  # emerge --pretend --color=n --verbose aspell

  These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

  Calculating dependencies... done!
  [ebuild   R    ] app-text/aspell-0.60.7_rc1::gentoo  USE="nls unicode 
(-linguas_af%) (-linguas_be%) (-linguas_bg%) (-linguas_br%) (-linguas_ca%) 
(-linguas_cs%) (-linguas_cy%) (-linguas_da%) (-linguas_de%) (-linguas_de@1901%) 
(-linguas_el%) (-linguas_en%*) (-linguas_eo%) (-linguas_es%) (-linguas_et%) 
(-linguas_fi%) (-linguas_fo%) (-linguas_fr%) (-linguas_ga%) (-linguas_gl%) 
(-linguas_he%) (-linguas_hr%) (-linguas_hu%) (-linguas_hy%) (-linguas_is%) 
(-linguas_it%) (-linguas_la%) (-linguas_lt%) (-linguas_nl%) (-linguas_no%) 
(-linguas_pl%) (-linguas_pt%) (-linguas_pt_BR%) (-linguas_ro%) (-linguas_ru%) 
(-linguas_sk%) (-linguas_sl%) (-linguas_sr%) (-linguas_sv%) (-linguas_uk%) 
(-linguas_vi%)" L10N="en -af -be -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -de -de-1901 -el -eo 
-es -et -fi -fo -fr -ga -gl -he -hr -hu -hy -is -it -la -lt -nl -no -pl -pt 
-pt-BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -uk -vi" 0 KiB

  Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB

I'm baffled...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! !  Up ahead!  It's a
                                  at               DONUT HUT!!

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