On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 January 2018 15:50:56 GMT Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> On Sat, 6 Jan 2018 15:39:45 +0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:
>> > > Ahem! American "English", I think you mean.
>> >
>> > Yes, though for most programs [spell-checkers being the obvious
>> > exception] and most non-US English speakers who expected en_GB, I
>> > doubt they'd have any problems using programs that were speaking US
>> > English instead of British English (are there others in use besides
>> > en_GB?).
>> Indeed there are, there's a whole world out there beyond the borders of
>> the USA ;-)
>> grep linguas_en /var/portage/profiles/use.desc
>> linguas_en - English locale
>> linguas_en_AU - English locale for Australia
>> linguas_en_CA - English locale for Canada
>> linguas_en_GB - English locale for Britain
>> linguas_en_US - English locale
> I object to that (not you, Neil, some dev or other). I live in England; I
> speak English. People who live in America speak their own version of it,
> adapted from the original. The list should be:
> linguas_en_AU - English locale for Australia
> linguas_en_CA - English locale for Canada
> linguas_en_GB - English locale
> linguas_en_US - English locale for USA

I updated the description for en_US.

linguas_en - English locale
linguas_en_AU - English locale for Australia
linguas_en_CA - English locale for Canada
linguas_en_GB - English locale for Britain
linguas_en_US - English locale for America

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