On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 11:50:56 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 11:34:24 GMT Mick wrote:
> > I just noticed I am not able to override FF's protestations about the
> > domain name of the loaded TLS certificate not matching the visited
> > domain.  When I click on Advance/"Confirm Security Exception" to
> > permanently store this exception nothing happens.  All I can do
> > thereafter is cancel this pop up window.  Of course the page will not
> > load.
> I've noticed something similar, but it varies from one site to another.
> Sometimes, confirming an exception works as before, but at other times I'm
> not even offered the option to make an exception. In that latter case I fire
> up another browser and use that instead.
> > How can I overcome this intransigence by the browser, who thinks it knows
> > better what I wish to do?
> I wish I knew.


It seems it won't allow me to accept the certificate *permanently* but it 
accepts it temporarily.  Phew!

I also had to remove a number of security addons which no longer work, but 
this was not related to the certificate problem.


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