
On Sun, 14 Jan 2018, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
>thanks a lot for all the input.
>I disabled pulseaudio via USE flag and recompiled the whole stuff.
>And VOILA! : Sound without apulse and pulseaudio! NICE!

BTW: I just rechecked, and it doesn't use an integrated copy too, I

$ cd /usr/lib/firefox
$ nm firefox-bin *.so |grep -i pulse|c++filt 
00000000021d7060 t mozilla::dom::GamepadHapticActuator::Pulse(double, double, mo
0000000005a62c50 d mozilla::dom::GamepadHapticActuatorBinding::pulse_methodinfo
0000000001edb4e0 t 
0000000005aa20b0 d mozilla::sCannotInitializePulseAudio
0000000002f1d6a0 t decode_pulses
0000000002f1de00 t encode_pulses
0000000002f31b80 t silk_decode_pulses
0000000002f32660 t silk_encode_pulses
00000000049a1cd4 r silk_max_pulses_table
00000000049a1b60 r silk_pulses_per_block_BITS_Q5
00000000049a1c20 r silk_pulses_per_block_iCDF

Using strings similiarly yields e.g.:

,libpulse %s
Linux PulseAudio is *not* supported => ALSA APIs will be utilized instead

and ldd does not show any dep. So at _most_ it might try to dlopen
libpulse and if that fails maybe log the above "error".


There is, however, a strange, musty smell in the air that reminds me of
something...hmm...yes...I've got it...there's a VMS nearby, or I'm a Blit.
        -- Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution

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