I couldn't find it either.  What bothers me is that in a Konsole, there's
a Settings -> Configure Konsole -> Session -> $TERM
setting that looks like it should override anything X does.  I would
expect that Konsole would be started, change the TERM environment
and start the indicated shell.  This isn't happening.

I guess it's time to look in a bugs database for KDE.

++ kevin

On 10/15/05, Glenn Enright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 03:06, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> I run Konsole for shell sessions, and things are going slightly wrong.
> I've tracked it down to the fact that although I've set the Konsole
> preferences to $TERM=linux, that variable is obdurately "xterm".
> When I put an echo in .bashrc or .bash_profile, it's already xterm.
> How can I find the culprit?
> ++ kevin

You'll find if you log into a text console (ALT F1, F2 etc), $TERM should be
linux. However konsole and others in 'X' are set to xterm so something is
being set as X loads. I couldn't find xterm in any of the /etc/env.d files,
so its not being picked up there anyhow.


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Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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