Good evening,

I've been fighting the install of OOo rc3 for a few days now. Everything
is fine until running revdep-rebuild, which wants to re-install the OOo
I just installed. I remember having trouble with various binary packages
before, including OOo, which I always solved, or hid, by NOT having /opt
in revdep-rebuilds search dirs. That was the first place I looked,
thinking that an update along the way had changed something. Sure
enough, /opt was back in there. However, now OOo is looking like it's
installing to regular directory structures, and I don't want to remove
those from checking.

[end long-windedness and get to the point]

Is anybody else seeing these issues with the latest OOo's, rc2 and rc3?


If voting could change anything,
it would be illegal

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