On Sat, Feb 10 2018, Rich Freeman wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 7:16 PM, allan gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>> I have a question on this news item.
>> I use systemd (gnome3) on a gentoo stable system.
>> eix reports that sys-apps/systemd-236-r5 is installed
>> But
>>    euse -I sysv-utils
>> reports
>>    no matching entries found
>> Is something wrong?
>> I do *not* have
>>   sys-apps/sysvinit, sys-apps/openrc, or net-misc/netifrc
>> in my world file.
>> However, the last two are installed.
> Interesting.  Does /sbin/reboot exist?

gottlieb@E6430 ~ $ ls -l /sbin/reboot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jan 28 13:08 /sbin/reboot -> ../bin/systemctl

> What does "qfile /sbin/reboot" return?

gottlieb@E6430 ~ $ qfile /sbin/reboot
sys-apps/systemd (/sbin/reboot)

> The only thing that is changing is a default - that flag was defaulted
> off before, and is defaulted on now.  So, an emerge --changed-use -u
> world should reinstall systemd with this flag enabled, assuming you
> didn't manually disable it.

I have not dis- or en- abled the flag

> In any case, you can probably actually survive without poweroff,
> reboot, etc, assuming you shutdown using systemctl.  Obviously some
> legacy scripts/programs/etc that are supposed to shut down your system
> might balk at the missing symlinks.  All the use flag does is install
> compatibility symlinks to systemctl for these sysvinit programs and
> their manpages.

My poweroff sequence is to use the gnome icon to logoff
and then the gnome icon to poweroff

> Unless you have some package installed that explicitly depends on
> sysvinit or openrc you should be fine.  Do you actually get any
> blockers/etc?

No blockers.  I have two similar machines.  Only problems are a
long-standing difficulty with one machine compiling chromium and a known
bug in compiling webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200 on either machine.

> Ultimately it comes down to whether you care about the compatibility
> symlinks.  It probably isn't a bad idea to have them though.  Maybe
> some day you'll install a UPS and its shutdown scripts will just call
> shutdown/poweroff/etc and not work.  Software that shuts down using
> either systemctl or dbus would be fine.

Since you lean toward having the symlinks, why is the new default for
the use flag on?  Upstream?

Also why do I have the symlinks with the 236-r5 system, contracting the
news item.  (This is true for both machines.)

Thanks again for all your help,

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