>As per my thread a month ago [1], I've now installed Podracer and gave
>it a spin last night.
>I started by trying to download NPR's Planet Money podcast:
>I tried 3 different URLs that I found on that page, none of them worked:
>• https://www.npr.org/feeds/127413729/feed.json
>• https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510289/planet-money/
>• https://www.npr.org/rss/rss.php?id=127413729
>The podcast is also listed in iTunes, I found:
>Using that URL in my .podracer/subscriptions, Podracer downloaded 300
>mp3 files, I assume every Podcast in the show's archive.
>However the files are named by ID, which is meaningless to humans:
>$ ls podcasts/2018-02-24/ | head 20150424_blog_pmoney.mp3
>20150429_blog_pmoney.mp3 20150501_blog_pmoney.mp3
>20150506_blog_pmoney.mp3 20150508_blog_pmoney.mp3
>20150513_blog_pmoney.mp3 20150516_blog_pmoney.mp3
>20150522_blog_pmoney2.mp3 20150522_blog_pmoney.mp3
>20150527_blog_pmoney.mp3 $

Those look like dates to me. Probably the date the program was first aired.

>If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be grateful. I'll perhaps try Flexget
>later today if I haven't thought of anything else.

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