On Thursday, 1 March 2018 17:58:44 GMT Tom H wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> > Is there something besides iptables? It seems to be like
> > systemd/perl/python, continuously expanding its scope. And no, I'm not
> > looking for an "easy-peasy front-end gui" that'll probably pull in 90%
> > of QT as dependancies. I fondly remember IPCHAINS.
> iptables doesn't depend on systemd, perl, or python.
> firewalld depends on dbus, polkit, and python.
> ufw depends on python.
> But there may be other iptables frontends that depend on more,
> especially if they are graphical.
> The advantage of iptables frontends is that you only have to allow
> "your" ports (for a minimal customization) without having to worry
> about all the other stuff that you need to set up when you use
> iptables directly.
> I've used apf, arno, and ufw. The first two depend on bash and simply
> require you to set variables in "/etc/$firewall/".

+1 for net-firewall/arno-iptables-firewall if you need a script to set up 
iptables for you.

I am using vanilla iptables with simple hand-made scripts on a number of 
systems, so it shouldn't be too difficult to roll your own if your demands are 
relatively simple.


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