On 03/26/2018 07:19 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> I have a four-core 64-bit Celeron box with 4GB RAM, on which I've just 
> installed a standard XFCE system on the desktop profile. It all went as 
> expected, but when I ran an emerge -e world at the end I had two failures: 
> both glibc and sandbox failed with the error in the subject line.
> It's some years since I last saw this error, and I'm stuck. I've looked 
> through /etc hoping to find something skew-whiff, and I've compared the 
> environment with this box's, but nothing stands out.
> Finally, following the hint in the portage output, I ran "FEATURES='-sandbox -
> usersandbox' emerge -1 --color n sandbox". It made no discernible difference.
> I've attached the logs etc from sandbox.
> Has anyone a clue?

Are you using gcc-6.4.0-r1?
When compiling large packages change in make.conf  MAKEOPTS="-j1"

I had happen twice to me.
It seems to me the gcc-6.4.0-r1 much more resource hungry or there is
a bug in it.


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