On 2018-04-02 01:28, taii...@gmx.com wrote:

> I have one from almost 10 years ago, whats the difference :[? how can
> you tell?

You mean Unicomp?  At that time, although they were not quite the old
IBM, they were close, probably still using the original design to which
they had bought rights.  But 2 or 3 years after that they "jumped the
shark"; new models started requiring non-uniform pressure to activate
different keys, some keys requiring excessive pressure, some keys
started to stick, and the final straw was when keys started to fall off
after light usage.

This seems to be a universal pattern in consumer capitalism: start with
a great product, acquire a cult clientele, then gradually increase
profits by cutting costs, while relying on the cult to keep customers
coming even for the inferior product.

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