On 03/31/2018 09:37 AM, Hubert Hauser wrote:


I want to learn from scratch securing Linux and ethical hacking. Should I do as the most people so install Kali Linux on virtual machine or install Gentoo Hardened with Pentoo overlay on my PC? I heard a lot of negative opinions about Kali Linux.

<RANT class="Greybeard" venue="soapbox">
I get tired of all the various (what I consider to be) "noise" about "Learn Kali Linux".

IMHO Kali is just another distrobution of Linux. It just happens to be one targeting security in that it has a lot of security related tools. Mucht he same way that various live / recovery distrobutions have lots of recovery / file system / partition / etc tools on them.

Learn the /concepts/ behind the various /programs/ that Kali packiges up neatly with a bow on top.

Once you know these concepts, you can easily use the various programs, a.k.a. /tools/, on any distribution, including Gentoo.

So … you can very likely learn things on Gentoo (any profile) without too much trouble. That being said, many "Learn Kali Linux" turnkey courses will be geared to and assuming that you are using Kali Linux. This is probably okay and likely just means that you will need to translate from Kali to Gentoo (or any other distro) if (when) things differe.

Depending with your comfort to do such translation, you may find that a Kali VM may be easier and more closely match any such (noise) training courses.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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