Lately, I've noticed that text apps under xterm snap back to the
original screen after the app finishes.  This doesn't happen with all
apps.  When I hit "q" in "top", the output stays on the screen.  But
other apps like "mtr" and "vim" and "less" restore the screen from which
they were launched, which is extremely annoying.

  A long time ago I ran into this problem and was advised to add
"XTerm*titeInhibit: true" in .Xresources.  It seems to have stopped
working recently.  Last night on a web forum people were comparing
response times from DNS server.  I ran "mtr" in xterm but the
output would disapper entirely when I hit "q".  I managed to freeze the
output with {CTRL}{S} so I could do a copy/paste into a post.  But I'd
like a clean solution rather than a clunky workaround.

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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