Daniel Frey wrote:
> Well, nuts. I wasn't using the new script because it always issued
> warnings and other crap and that drove me crazy. I guess I'll have to
> try the new script later.
> Dan

I use emerge -uaDN world, plus some default settings in make.conf, and
rarely run revdep-rebuild.  Just for giggles, I ran it shortly after I
read one of the replies and it came back with nothing needing to be
re-emerged.  To put that in perspective, I've likely upgraded all of KDE
at least once, maybe even more than that, since I last ran it.  I guess
doing it that way leads to not having to run that anymore.  May be
something you want to consider, if your rig can handle it and you have
time to do it that way. 

I'd be happy to post the full command options and all from the logs for
you to compare and think on. 


:-)  :-) 

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