Hi Mick,

On Sat, 07 Apr 2018 11:21:23 +0100
Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
So far I had been using gdbm, but I now see that emerge also added lmdb.

Same here, so I gave lmdb a try as hcache backend.

Which one is best to use? What have you chosen?

I assume you mean for speed? I don’t know and it may become very academic to answer this. But you can find some none Mutt-specific benchmark results on NeoMutt’s website [1].

Note, the mentioned benchmark page say:

   “[…] you’ll need a reasonable large number of
   messages – >50k – to see anything interesting”

Using lmdb as backend, I do not realise any differences over gdbm within Mutt respectively NeoMutt and I doubt one really can (without measuring it exactly – which I haven’t done yet).

 [1] <https://www.neomutt.org/contrib/hcache-bench>


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