On 2018-04-15 00:10, Floyd Anderson wrote:

> > https://very.loosely.org/paste/symlinks-pl

> Because argument ROOTDIR is mandatory, the script should do something
> when ROOTDIR is not given, e.g. print usage. Maybe ‘-r’ should be also
> mandatory or the script should define some useful defaults. Consider
> following invocations:
>    $ ./symlinks-pl
>    $ ./symlinks-pl /path/to/broken-symlink
>    $ ./symlinks-pl -r /path/to/broken-symlink
> which do nothing and results with exit code 0.

I think this is more of a documentation bug in usage().  ROOTDIR is in
fact not mandatory - a list of zero or more items is expected, and each
item processed in turn.  I remember thinking about it for a second, and
this was the most consistent and regular behavior, so the most
attractive to my droid mind :-P

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