
I dont know, whether is a Blender-Only problem or whether it is
introduced by changes made while updateing Gentoo.

The setup is as follows
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] 
(rev a1)
07:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] 
(rev a1)

Nvidia-drivers:  390.48

The GT430 is for rendering the desktop only.
The GTX960 is fpr GPU based rendering only. 
This can be configured via Blender by choosing the GTX960 as
CUDA-device and by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 as environment

All this was done before the interactive performance of Blender
goes underground. Everything works well with this setup.

GPU-Rendering itsself is uneffected, though.

I am using the current stable version of Blender 2.79. on
Linux-4.15.17 (vanilla).

As an example for the current performance drop:
Clicking a checkbox in the "User preferences" dialog take
up to 5 seconds before getting updated/checked.

>From a backup I restored all Blender settings from a time,
when everything works fine but with no success.

Dmesg does not show any evidence...for my eyes.

I am a littled desperate, since modelling is directly
influenced by the performance of the 3D_View port.

Does anyone have any idea, what's happening here?
ny helpful hint is very appreciated!


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