Rich Freeman <> wrote:
> On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 2:18 PM Martin Vaeth <> wrote:
>> Which would be the horribly slow case I mentioned above.
> I'm saying that high-level languages can be made safe.
> You're saying that making high-level languages safe comes at a performance
> cost.

A performance cost which is as high as in C, because you simply
have to protect *every* access.
And no, for the same reason as in C, it is not sufficient to do
this only for the array access case; you need to avoid speculative
execution for every conditional, every loop etc.
As a simple example, assume that you have read a password file
into a string of your language and now access a single password.
No matter, how you mark the end of the password (fixed-length, \0, \n,
...) speculative execution might always access the next password(s)
unless you prevent it globally. Whether it is exploitable depends
of course on other things. There is no difference to C.

> lot of C programmers do the same with manual bounds
> checks or equivalent functions like strncpy.

As mentioned above: It plays absolutely no role whether you
know the length a-priori, are looking for a symbol etc.
If you are copying, and the necessary conditional for the end
of the loop is not protected against speculative exection, your
code might be vulnerable to some spectre-type attack.
Actually, in case of short constant length, C is safer here than
most other languages, because it might unroll the loop and thus
avoid the conditional.

>> If slowness is not the issue, one could fix the C compiler in the same way
>> by avoiding speculative exection for every conditional jump.
> Sure, but that is way more overhead than necessary.

Also for languages with bound-checks an memory management you need
exactly the same overhead as well if you want to be safe:
Avoiding speculative execution in everything which is compiled into
a conditional.
Of course, in both cases a very careful flow analysis (or instead
requiring hints from the coder in some way) might prevent "safe"
cases. Like in C. There is simply no difference.

> We only need to sterilize these for data passed from an untrusted source

No, unless you know that after the end there cannot be stored
data you need to protect. If a language has means to mark these
data, a compiler might take care of this. But I would count these
cases to "very careful flow analysis or requiring hints from the coder":
One would need language features which are particularly designed
for spectre and which are not useful for much else.
I do not claim that one could not develop such a language.
Maybe there are some languages for which this is not too hard.
However, I think you were speaking about currently existing/used

> A high-level language has access to more context and can probably
> more reliably determine which ones need protection.

If you mean by "high-level" a language which is so restrictive
for every conditional that a complete flow-analysis of the
code is trivial, you are right. I do not know such a language,
and I doubt that it could be a Turing-complete one.

> I think that in general language features that more clearly
> separate trusted vs untrusted data would probably help here.

For spectre, the necessary difference is not trusted vs. untrusted,
but worth-to-protect vs. irrelevant-for-every-attacker.
And even then it depends on details of the processor how
far after the end of the string accessed by an unprotected loop
data still is "protected" against spectre.

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