On Sunday, May 6, 2018 2:45:51 PM CEST tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running X11 with Nvidia-drivers 396.18-r1.
> From time to time I accidentally hit a key combo
> (ALT F*) and I am thrown to the LINUX console.
> Back in the years when one setups X11 by hand
> carefully inserting timings for the Cathod Ray Tube
> it was possible to swicth back with CTRL-ALT-F12
> (or was it ALT-F12).
> But this does not work for me.
> 1) For debugging purposes I would like to
>    get a fully working switch between the
>    Linux console and X11 back and forth.
> 2) If that is not possible see below.
> But!
> If I was accidentally thrown to the Linux console
> by my own eloborated usage of the keyboard (hrrrrmmmm)
> I am able to do the following:
> Login as myself (console login) and do another
> startx.
> This will start a new X11 session.
> Is it possible somehow to "take over" the original
> X11 session, which is still running in the background
> to cleanly ending the tasks running and waiting for
> my input?

When  I switch to the console (using <CTRL>+<ALT>+F1), I usually find the X-
session by using <ALT>+<LEFT ARROW KEY> until I get to the X-session.


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