On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 05:06:43AM +0200, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> Hi,
> too feed a STM32F103C8T6 MCU (Core-M3) with some code to execute,
> I want a compiler. For that I did a 
>     crossdev arm-unknown-linux-gnu
> . That one failed to build (gcc, binytils seem to be ok).
That triplet is not going to work for that hardware for two reasons:

 - bare-metal implies no kernel so 'linux' is wrong
 - gnu (== glibc) is not going to work on bare-metal

What you're looking for is 'arm-none-eabi', that's what all the vendor
supplied prebuilt toolchains use. That triplet will use 'newlib' as the
libc, which is the correct choice for bare-metal.

I wouldv'e said 'arm-unknown-linux-eabi' or the gentoo specific
'armv7m-softfloat-none-eabi' but for some reasons the binutils
build chokes on that. However compared to arm-none-eabi the only thing
these triplets do is change some of the configured defaults (arch/fpu/...,
see /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain.eclass), so you should be fine with

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