Am 2018-05-30 um 10:46 schrieb Bill Kenworthy:
> On 30/05/18 15:52, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>> maybe someone has hit that as well:
>> bug report at redhat is from yesterday (!)
>> -
>> That windows guest is shutting down and/or crashing now and then.
>> Same QEMU/libvirt combo at another site runs >20 VMs without problems.
>> I'd be happy to find some workaround or fix as it is a bit problematic
>> to have the customer email every few days that his server VM is down.
>> Gives bad reputation ...
>> If helpful I will post VM.xml etc
>> Stefan
> error messages? - I get this happening sometimes from the oom killer
> when the server runs out of memory - semi-random (usually  but not
> always the same vm)

I mentioned the libvirt error message in the bug report.
What else is interesting?

The gentoo host has 16 GB RAM, and the single VM is configured with 8
gigs ... so that looks ok to me.

host # free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache
Mem:          16015        8496        3138           5        4379
Swap:          8191          10        8181

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