On Friday, 8 June 2018 23:21:52 BST Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 06/08/2018 03:31 PM, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
> > Sigh, I take it back. That causes the internal sites to no longer work.
> Okay.
> So you're on the proper track.
> I'm guessing the work network isn't a simple single prefix.  Or at least
> the VPN client doesn't route enough through the VPN.
> Check your routing table with the VPN connected.  Is enough being routed
> through?  Do you need to add additional prefixes?
> If DNS is working properly for internal resources, make sure that what
> they resolve to is routed through the VPN.

I don't know what networkmanager offers in terms of VPN settings, but as Grant 
says you need to set split routing.  As it currently is, everything is sent 
out through the tunnel and your work's router is not set up to route out to 
the Internet your VPN connection.

If networkmanager does not get you what you want, you can do this with 'ip 
route'.  Delete the default route, then set again the default route via the 
your local gateway:

# ip route del default via dev wlan0
# ip route add default via dev wlan0

then create an additional route for the remote subnet if it's not there:

# ip route add via dev wlan0

Where is your work's subnet and is the local VPN IP 
address for your PC.  Something along these lines ought to work.


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