On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 14:10 -0500, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> znx wrote:
> >How about Squid Guard?
> >http://www.squidguard.org/
> >
> >With free blacklists
> >http://ftp.tdcnorge.no/pub/www/proxy/squidGuard/contrib/
> >
> >  
> >
> I use both of these and it works pretty darn well.   Configuring per 
> user is straight forward, although setting up anything other than identd 
> is a bit of a troubesome scenario.
> Tom Veldhouse
Back when I was a system administrator at a high school, we used
SquidGuard, a collection of black-lists and users were authenticated by
their Windows 2000 (yeck!) Active-Directory login. IIRC It was
reasonably easy to configure, the hard part was maintaining block-lists
because if you block sites incorrectly, you get bitched at by teachers,
if you let porn through you get bitched at by the teachers, and you have
around 1000 student's trying to circumvent the system, with things such
as Coral Cache and Google translate.

My 2 cents,

Dave Cameron

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