Hi all,
        I have an existing Gentoo install that I've "customised" a bit too much
and things are getting flaky. I've in turn taken the opportunity to
purchase an nvme, a Samsung 960 Pro, and do a fresh install. Instead of
using the install media I've just booted the existing install, mounted
the nvme and then treated the install as though it's coming from a boot

        I've followed, I think, correctly the install process but when I
reboot, I get the following:

"Reboot and Select proper Boot device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"

Overlooking the freaky capitalisation, the machine fires up and then
leaves me with the above on the screen and that's it. I need to hit the
power button to kill the machine and reboot, using the boot order, F12,
option to now boot the existing installation.

        This is a new machine with a x470 Gigabyte motherboard, 64GB of memory
and a nearly top end Ryzen CPU. Does anyone know of any little "tips and
tricks" to ensure that the nvme will be seen and boot? As it is, Grub
isn't even being seen....


p.s. I'll also wait until the github situation has been resolved.

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