On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 9:16 PM Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
>   There are some programs that I would much rather keep open, versus
> shutting down and restarting all over again.  But keeping them all open
> uses resources, especially on a 10-year-old CORE2 with 3 gigabytes of
> RAM (The thing refuses to die).  Is there a way to forcibly swap out or
> freeze a specific PID, until I need to get back to it again?

kill -s SIGSTOP <list of PIDs>

to resume:

kill -s SIGCONT <list of PIDs>

man kill
man 7 signal

YMMV on what processes will actually work properly after a SIGCONT. If
anything a process does is not re-entrant, then you could have very
unpredictable things happen including corruption of data.


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