On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 11:16 +0200, Ryan Viljoen wrote:
> Ok here is what I am wanting to do:
> I windows when you connect your IPod it autodetects it and brings up
> itunes, then you can do the whole safely remove hardware blah blah.
> After you have done that you no longer have the DO NOT DISCONNECT
> screen on the IPod but it continues to charge. I would like to do the
> same in linux. My IPod isnt currently mounted but when you connect it
> creates a node in /dev. No how do I "disconnect" it so that it still
> remains to charge and no longer has the DO NOT DISCONNECT screen?

I use:

`eject /dev/hd[a|b|c]` - sub in whatever letter your USB driver has
assigned to your ipod.

It probably won't work if you use "/dev/hda2" (which is the device file
for the *partition* on which your music resides). You'll need to
actually use the device, "/dev/hda". It usually takes a few seconds,
then the command returns and my iPod mini's screen goes back to normal
mode as it continues to charge.

All of this as root, of course...

Good luck,

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