On Tuesday, 28 August 2018 11:51:04 BST Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 09:57:49 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > Is anyone else having this problem?
> I can't answer for everyone, but I'm not.

I was sure I'd have heard all about it if anyone had been, but it was worth 
asking anyway.

I would suspect hardware, but this is all I have to go on:
1.      Smartd has been running regular tests on this NVMe disk and not 
reported anything.
2.      I've now changed the partition layout to ensure I was using new 
silicon; I shrank the /boot partition from 2G to 0.5G, so all the other 
partitions started 1.5G earlier on the disk.
3.      During all the reloading from an external drive I found a suspect USB 
port. I also noticed the UEFI startup process flickering the cursor around 
the screen before displaying the list of kernels. I haven't used that USB 
port since, and the flickering has subsided.
4.      I can't imagine it's a memory failure because of the repeatability of 
the problems.

So, things it isn't: memory, disk, power supply, software (identical USE 
etc. to before the problem appeared) - anything that would cause random 

The only other thing I can think of to do is to combine the first two 
partitions into one: that is, the empty partition for the UEFI and the VFAT 
/boot. You can see, though, that I'm reduced to clutching at straws.


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