On 8/31/18 2:41 PM, Mick wrote:
> What I have not fathomed yet is how to compile into the mach_kernel the 
> vmlinuz and initrd the boot.efi uses to boot linux.  :-/

(Note that I am making assumptions that the Apple TV 1st gen can be
treated kind of like a Mac.)

You probably should try rEFInd to help. You can get rid of it once you
are comfortable. rEFInd can be avoided:


This is what I used years back on a MacBook Pro but I was not successful
in getting an EFI stub to boot correctly. The issue was a bug with USB
2/3 initialisation or something at the time in the kernel, which you
probably won't run into. I had to use the BIOS emulation which you might
have the ability to do. So it was rEFInd -> BIOS emulation (calls it
Windows) -> LILO (GRUB didn't work) and then Linux.

Here is what it looked like (holding C at boot time):
https://i.imgtc.com/jjBY8AF.jpg (OS is macOS, "Windows" CD in the
picture was just Gentoo live CD).

Your problem can be made simpler if you have a) no desire to dual-boot
and b) no disk encryption. This would mean you only have your VFAT
partition for EFI and your main partition.


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