On Sun, 26 Aug 2018 03:48:04 -0400 Philip Webb wrote:
> Following my recent request for info + replies,
> I tried using Nouveau for a week & didn't have any basic problems,
> but it couldn't handle the 3D Xscreensavers, eg Gears + Pipes,
> so I've come back to Nvidia, which has always worked well enough,
> but tends to create problems matching Nvidia/Kernel versions.
> Is there any prospect that Nouveau wb able to do 3D one day ?

It depends very much on your chip. Some card already have good 3D
support, some should have it in a while. See feature matrix for

In most cases 3D works, but slower than on the proprietary driver
and some advanced features may be missing.

> Are there any 3rd possibilities ?

No, at least if you want 3D. 

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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