On 9/13/18 4:55 PM, taii...@gmx.com wrote:
> Impossible - ME can't be disabled.

huh. did not know that.

> Me cleaner only nerfs it by removing various modules, either BUP (init)
> still runs or the kernel still runs plus any option/mask roms.

Perhaps a bit of detail on this?

> If you want a PC without black boxes either buy a pre-PSP amd board like
> KGPE-D16/KCMA-D8, 

Is there a master list of pre PSP amd systems around. I have some old K6
and such. Dirt slow but for transactions might be work the effort.

g505s laptop

"sorry, this product is no longer available"  from numerous searches.
I have an old IBK think pad, vitange 1990 that still works. External Cd
in on a cable. Still works great after battery change. I have not fired
it up in a few years.....

I'm not a fan (at all) of lenovo.

and install coreboot/libreboot+openbmc

Yep on the todo list.

> get a non-x86 device like the brand new/fast OpenPOWER9 TALOS 2
> (https://raptorcs.com) which is currently selling for less than
> equivilant x86 hardware.

Not sure I want to 'take on another arch'. If I were to I put a RiscV
on a fpga, or something like that.

> The only owner controlled CPU arch now is OpenPOWER.

Not even any of the ARM64 dev boards with 4G of DDR4 ?
Arm64 would be my preferred pathway forward.

Any details are most appreicated.


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