Am 12.09.18 um 15:07 schrieb J. Roeleveld:

Bit sooner:

I use multipath from a SAS-controller to a dual-backplane and SAS-disks.
 From the controller, I have 2 paths to each disk, which means I have twice the
amount of "sd?" entries.

# multipath -l
35000cca25d8ec910 dm-4 HGST,HUS726040ALS210
size=3.6T features='1 retain_attached_hw_handler' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=active
| `- 0:0:7:0  sdh 8:112  active undef running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=0 status=enabled
   `- 0:0:20:0 sdt 65:48  active undef running
(This is only the first device)

It shows that device "35000cca25d8ec910" is mapped to "sdh" and "sdt".
To use the disk correctly, I need to access "/dev/mapper/35000cca25d8ec910",
which is:
# ls -lsa /dev/mapper/35000cca25d8ec910
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep  4 11:43 /dev/mapper/35000cca25d8ec910 -> ../

I have "multipathd" in the "boot" runlevel.

Version info:
# eix -I multipath
[I] sys-fs/multipath-tools
      Available versions:  0.5.0-r1 0.6.4-r1{tbz2} ~0.7.6^t ~0.7.7^t {rbd
systemd KERNEL="linux"}
      Installed versions:  0.6.4-r1{tbz2}(10:51:01 AM 01/23/2018)(-rbd -
      Description:         Device mapper target autoconfig

# uname -a
Linux san1 4.9.76-gentoo-r1-generic #1 SMP Tue Jan 23 12:05:11 CET 2018 x86_64
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

As for the terms, a LUN is a Logical disk provided by a SAN to a different
system. I have multipath inside my SAN and have a single path to iSCSI
clients. (Single switch with bonded NICs)

thanks for the links etc

To me it seems that the former administrator somehow tried to set that up but failed.

This corresponds to something he wrote when leaving the company.

There is no multipathd-daemon enabled or running.

# multipath
Sep 14 08:31:10 | MSA2040_SAMBA_storage: ignoring map
Sep 14 08:31:10 | MSA2040_SAMBA_storage: ignoring map

# multipath -l

# ls /dev/mapper/

so nothing gets mapped here ;-)


# /etc/multipath.conf

defaults {
#  udev_dir                /dev
  polling_interval        15
#  selector                "round-robin 0"
  path_grouping_policy    group_by_prio
  failback                5
  path_checker            tur
#  prio_callout            "/sbin/mpath_prio_tpc /dev/%n"
  rr_min_io               100
  rr_weight               uniform
  no_path_retry           queue
  user_friendly_names     yes
blacklist {
  devnode cciss
  devnode fd
  devnode hd
  devnode md
  devnode sr
  devnode scd
  devnode st
  devnode ram
  devnode raw
  devnode loop
  devnode sda
  devnode sdb

multipaths {
  multipath {
    wwid  3600c0ff0001e91b2c1bae25601000000
    ## To find your wwid, please use /usr/bin/sg_vpd --page=di /dev/DEVICE.
    ## The address will be a 0x6. Remove the 0x and replace it with 3.
    alias MSA2040_SAMBA_storage

--- I will check docs etc asap
That is a productive server a few 100 kms away from me, so I have to be careful.

Users can work, so no hurry here, just interest.

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