Many thanks to all who helped me.

For cupsd.conf on the server machine
It turned out that I needed

Listen localhost:631

in addition to

Port 631
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock

Furthermore, on the client machine I had typo

DeviceURI ipp:://MyServer/printers/duploc_usb

(note the double colon)

Unfortunately, CUPS doesn't seem to check the syntax of DeviceURI
or it doesn't report this.
One simply gets "printer could not be located" when one tries to use it.

I didn't want to use enter the SERVER name into /etc/cups/client.conf on the client machine, since I want "double spooling', i.e. the client machine should accept the print job even if the SERVER
machine is down.


Yes, I still have an old printer which only has a USB-connection and an Ethernet connection.
Unfortunately, the Ethernet connection broke down recently.
I don't think that WiFi is the best solution since - at least me - have only 60 Mbits/seccon on the WiFi but 1 Gbits/second on the wired Ethernet - and some files to be printed are quite large.

Thanks again,

On 09/12/2018 02:50:36 PM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
I'd like to install a very simple configuration but fail (CUPS is my most hated software)

I have two machines on a local network (i.e., I don't need any fancy security mechanisms)

On one machine - called SERVER - I have a USB printer which works just fine with CUPS.
I've tried to make it "shared". This printer has the name USB_printer.

On the other machine, which has no physical printer itself, I just want to add a remote printer which
uses  USB_printer on the SERVER.

If I try to configure this remote printer, my first problem is its name (URL) I've tried ipp://SERVER:631/printers/USB_printer but when I try to print to it,
I always get "printer cannot be located"

Would anybody be so kind to share (the relevant parts) of his/her cupsd.conf on the server as well as
on the client?

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