On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 12:36 PM, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Raffaele Belardi
> <raffaele.bela...@st.com> wrote:
>> (Moved from [pycharm-community vs pycharm-professional] thread)
>> R0b0t1 wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Raffaele Belardi
>>>> I'd use Python to develop programs for fun on an ARM-linux embedded board, 
>>>> with the host
>>>> PC running Gentoo. I suppose that for debugging on the target I'd need 
>>>> this feature:
>>>> "Remote run/debug" which is available only in the (pycharm)Pro edition, 
>>>> right?
>>> Usually what I see is either sftp or rsync (over ssh) to the remote
>>> computer, then ssh to run the updated files. Alternatively you can ssh
>>> to the remote host and run vim within that session.
>> I suppose vim on Host + ssh for transfer/run would be fine for me.
>> For debugging I saw some support for python is available in gdb but I'm not 
>> sure of the
>> environment, would I run gdb on the host or on the target (via gdbserver)?
>> Also, is gdb a viable solution given the interpreted nature of python or I'd 
>> better start
>> off with some GUI/IDE?
>> I normally use gdb/gdbserver for embedded C debugging so I'm fine with the 
>> gdb command
>> line interface.
> This is where it gets a bit weird... It seems there are multiple
> custom remote debug implementations.
> From some discussion on what PyCharm does (how it was broken by a
> company firewall) it looks like it starts an ssh connection to the
> target machine and runs pdb. PyDev may do something similar but it
> looks like it replaces pdb with its own module.
> Microsoft uses https://github.com/Microsoft/ptvsd. Visual Studio Code
> is actually quite good and should run on Gentoo - it is open source,
> as is their remote python debugger. I had forgotten about it but if
> you want a GUI do strongly consider it.

Also this, sorry - https://github.com/quantopian/qdb.

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