On 22.09.2018 20:04, Corentin “Nado” Pazdera wrote:
> September 22, 2018 5:36 PM, "Dan Johansson" <dan.johans...@dmj.nu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today when I was preparing for a "emereg --update ..." on my Raspberry
>> PI 2B I saw that there was a news item regarding
>> "2018-09-07-arm-17-profile-migration" where it states (among other
>> things) "In short, the tuple will change from
>> armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi to
>> armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf or similar.".
>> Today I have the profile set to "default/linux/arm/13.0/armv7a (dev)"
>> and I have the following in make.conf
>> CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard"
>> CHOST="armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi"
>> I am not 100% sure on what to set my profile & CHOST to for this Raspberry.
>> So (some) of my questions are.
>> 1) Which new profile should a use for a Raspberry PI 2B which runs as a
>> headless "server" (i.e. now desktop environment running)? I suspect
>> "default/linux/arm/17.0/armv7a" would be a good idea?
>> 2) What would be the correct CFLAGS & CHOST in make.conf?
> Hi,
> The script linked in the news item should take care of that.
> Don't forget to backup your packages (quickpkg */*) before doing the 
> migration, it will help in
> case you need to rollback.

Thanks for your feedback. Yes I took a look at the linked script (after
I sent the mail) and it looks like it takes car of "everything".

But better safe than sorry, so I am going to shutdown the Raspberry,
take out the CF-Card, make a copy of the card and THEN I will try the
profile change.

Dan Johansson
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