On 09/11/18 09:43, Dale wrote:
> Jack wrote:
>> On 2018.11.08 20:16, Dale wrote:
>>> Howdy to all,
>>> I have a interesting problem coming up.  Currently, I have two 3TB
>>> drives for my /home mount point.  A lot of this is videos but some pdf
>>> files and other documents as well plus a photo collection of family
>>> stuff etc. 
>>> Filesystem                                   Size  Used Avail Use%
>>> Mounted on
>>> /dev/mapper/Home2-Home2        5.4T  3.7T  1.8T  68% /home
>>> I've got a little over 25% or so of usable space left.  At that point or
>>> shortly thereafter, it could start causing some issues according to what
>>> I've read anyway.  Either way, shortly after that, being full will
>>> certainly be a issue.  I'm full up on my motherboard SATA ports.  Even
>>> if I buy a larger drive or drives, I'd have to unplug one to move things
>>> over and likely repeat that a few times.  I could do that and likely
>>> will have to anyway but I'm trying to think a little farther ahead. 
>>> Currently I have the more important stuff backed up to a external single
>>> 6TB USB drive, previous thread on that.  I'm trying to come up with a
>>> plan that allows me to grow easier and without having to worry about
>>> running out of motherboard based ports. 
>>> I thought about a store bought enclosure with more than one hard drive
>>> that connects by ethernet.  The ones I've found are fairly expensive. 
>>> Doing it over USB concerns me for other reasons, USB isn't always that
>>> stable.  So, internal isn't working out to well long term.  Ethernet
>>> based is expensive, what I could find anyway.  USB isn't that stable. 
>>> I'm planning to upgrade my current system.  Upgrade the CPU, memory and
>>> maybe even the video card as well.  I thought about using a older spare
>>> motherboard, those removed components and building a mini system sort of
>>> thing.  I could have one small drive for a OS and then add large drives
>>> for storage.  Then I can access those from my main system, ethernet I
>>> would guess.  Even then, I'd still be limited to the SATA ports on the
>>> MOBO at some point but it would be a ways into the future.  So far tho,
>>> this is one of the better ideas.  So far.  Does anyone else have other
>>> ideas on how to do this?  Some method that I've never heard of but
>>> doesn't cost a lot of money to do? 
>>> Thanks in advance for any ideas.  I can't think of anything else.  ;-) 
>>> If you need more info, let me know. 
>>> Dale
>> If you have space on the mobo for another card, you should be able to
>> get an additional SATA card.  I have no idea on prices, but I'd be
>> surprised if it's prohibitive.
>> Jack
> I hadn't thought of adding a SATA card.  I have a ethernet card and the
> video card and I don't think there are any others.  I should have some
> open slots there.  Well, that is one idea that I hadn't thought of. 
> lol  Since I have a LARGE case, Cooler Master HAF-932, I have space for
> more drives.  I think this thing holds like nine or ten pretty easy. 
> Thanks.  Another option to look into. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
I have used a mini-pcie board from ebay (takes two sata connections)
alongside a number of other connection types in a btrfs raid 10 for some
months as a temporary expansion - worked fine, but make sure to check
Linux compatibility first.


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